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Terms of Service
1. “Company” SMARTePLANS® & including but not limited to any principals, employees, and advisors associated with said companies.
2. “The client” is the owner/occupier or person who commissions services from the Company.
3. The Extent of the Project is defined in the quotation and or invoice only, any changes or deviations to this will be chargeable.
4. “Other Person” means any person, company, or firm, other than the Company or any sub-consultants of the Company who have performed or will perform work related to the project.
1. Client’s Responsibilities
1.1 The Client will provide a clear explanation of the project in full and disclose all relevant information that the Company requests, needs, or relies upon to carry out their quotations and services. It is the clients responsibility to provide all information that is relevant to either the project, building, or works relating to the application and to provide and disclose all information relating to their building and/or area, which include but is not limited to; Whether their property or site falls within Green belt, An Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty, is a Listed Building and/or Listed by association (falls within the grounds or curtilage of a Listed Building), falls within a Conservation Area or had Article 4 Direction removed. Projects and/or sites that come under any of these previously, noted conditions, have different policy guidelines and restrictions, which the Company would require full disclosure of at the time of quoting and/or instruction, to ensure that the restrictions and conditions are adhered to and that the correct applications are applied for; All online quotations (automated) will be checked for accuracy and validated prior to an invoice being raised. Full disclosure is to be provided to the Company by the Client and is chargeable if it has not been disclosed prior to quotation, or instruction, which has been subsequently requested or brought to light by the Planners or another source and involves the supply of additional information or amendments to a scheme in order to conform to policy, that the Client did not make the Company aware of. The Company will not be held liable in any way or responsible for losses which may have been incurred by non-disclosure of these Company requirements or deviations and will revert to the client for ALL additional fees and ALL costs. Whether the client states that they were not aware of them, the Company has the right to charge additional fees to amend the drawing and/application in order to conform to policy, that the Company was not made aware of.
1.2 The Client will provide the Company with clear and concise information in full about the Client’s intended scheme and any schedule of works that the Client is aware of, the existing use class of the project, and correct and accurate information regarding the projects proposed use class. It is the Clients responsibility to check the quotation or package purchased, making sure that the services quoted and subsequently invoiced for are correct, as additional services than those quoted or invoiced for will be chargeable.
1.3 The Client can appoint any other professional specialist services whose fees shall be separate from, and additional to, those charged by the Company. The Company shall not be responsible or liable for the work of those other professional specialist services and their services are completely independent of the Companies, such matters as, but not limited to:
Surveyor/measured plan survey, Structural Engineer who handle the structural aspect of the design
Quantity Surveyor to confirm cost estimates and advise on payments to the builder during the constructions phase
A Landscape Architect to complete the tying together of the building and land
A builder or construction company should you require measurement’s or advice on site
An Interior Designer should you require input on the furniture, fittings, and decorating of your building
A Glazing company, Kitchen Company, Bathroom Company, or any third-party company that has been instructed independently, as we do not give authority or a license for our drawings being used for any other purpose other than what has been commissioned. Energy Specialist should you require a SAP calculation for glazing which is above 25%, highly glazed extensions or a New Build.
A Day Light and Sunlight Specialist should your Local Authority require a report
A Flood Risk Report Specialist should your Local Authority require a report
The Client shall hold each consultant appointed, separately responsible for the competence and performance of their own services and liability.
1.4 The Client will be available at all reasonable times, continually, throughout the project to give prompt consideration to the Company’s requests, advice, the Company’s queries, the Company’s requests for further information and to provide prompt responses, within the timeframes set out in these terms of service. If the Client fails to respond in a timely manner to questions the Company relies on or has failed to disclose any information to the Company, the Company may remove itself as Acting Agent without prior notice.
1.5 The client shall provide, free of charge, all the information in the client’s possession, or which is reasonably obtainable, and which is necessary for the proper and timely performance of the services and the Company shall be entitled to rely on such information, The Company will not be liable in any way for non-disclosed information, or if the client simply, changes its mind.
1.6 The client will hold the contractor or contractors and not the Company responsible for the proper carrying out and confirming of on-site measurements and completion of construction all/any works, any discrepancies of on-site measurements must be reported to SMARTePLANS immediately, in writing. The Client shall employ a contractor under a separate agreement to undertake construction or other works relating to the project. The contractor shall be responsible for the proper carrying out and completion of the works and for health and safety provisions on site.
1.7 The Client acknowledges that the Company does not warrant compliance with the construction, cost, and/or the timetable, which may need to be reviewed for such matters as, but not limited to:
(a) Variations arising from design development or requested by the Client
(b) delays caused by any Other Person; and/or
(c) deviations from an application submission that due to site works/non-disclosure of information, results in an application, falling outside the constraints of the application originally submitted (d) any deviations from the submitted drawings.
(e) any other factors beyond the control of the Company and/or that the Company was not made aware of.
1.8 The Client will provide instructions to proceed, either with, confirmation in writing or via email or by way of payment of a deposit, and will be deemed to have read and agreed with these Terms and Conditions.
2. Company’s Responsibilities
2.1 The Company shall provide its drawing services, duties, and obligations with reasonable skill and care in conformity with appropriate professional standards. The company will act on behalf of the Client in matters set out in Fee Proposal provided, to your Local Authority, submissions to Private Building Control or works commenced prior to obtaining full plans approval, will be the sole responsibility of the Client, works should only commence when full approvals have been granted, failure to wait for the outcome of a decision, will be at the sole risk of the client and the Company will not be held liable, whatsoever. Our submission service is free providing the client confirms their drawings within 7 days of receipt. 
2.2 The Company shall not be responsible for the work of the building contractor nor for any failure of the building contractor to complete the building work in accordance with the terms of the building contract.
2.3 Make no material alteration to the Services or the approved design without the consent of the Client, except in an emergency (for example, to prevent refusal of application unless minor revisions are required, and the Client is unreachable within the deadline provided).
2.4 The Company charges for the drawing time spent on a project. If amendments to the drawings are required, the Company must be informed within 7 days and they will go back into our workflow and will be completed in the order of when they were received, they will not jump our existing work schedules. For single projects and internal reconfiguration packages, a maximum of up to 2 revisions will be drafted free of charge, following revisions can be drafted but will be chargeable. For multiple projects pertaining to the same building a maximum of up to 3 revisions will be drafted free of charge, the Company must be informed within 7 days,  following revisions can be drafted but will be chargeable. You will be notified at the time additional revisions are requested.

2.5 Any amendments requested after the drawings have been approved or submitted or exceed the 7 days amendment period or extended beyond the original determination deadline date, or the planners have requested amendments to, or a request for an extension in time, to change or produce further drawings will be chargeable and will be requoted depending on the scope of works requested, whether a new application needs to be prepared and whether there or not there was full disclosure at the time of quoting/drawing/submitting the application. Once the application is in or the client has gone beyond the Companies timescales for amendments or free submissions; The Company has fulfilled its obligations to the Client and will only liaise directly with the planners, if the application has been submitted, if in the event the planners require additional information, this will be highlighted and passed on to the Client. If the Client wishes that the Company makes any changes to an approved scheme, then the Company has the right to charge for their drawing time.

3. Site Measure
3.1 The Client is responsible to ensure that the complete site is in a suitable condition to measure, i.e. Working at height regulations, access into buildings/rooms provided and the building is in a tidy/safe condition so that measurements/details can be taken. If a second visit is required due to poor condition or limited access, then this will be chargeable.
3.2 All dimensions should be checked by the contractor on-site prior to works commencing, any discrepancies from what is noted or depicted on the drawings must be notified to SMARTePLANS, immediately in writing. Any variations in squareness, depth of plaster, etc, must be checked for. It may be necessary for the contractor to remove brickwork and/or plaster to establish the actual position of the wall.
The Company states that:
Do Not Scale from the drawing: Party Wall Act 1996: Party wall agreements are the responsibility of the client. Drawings are for planning and building regulations purposes only and NOT CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. Check that the drawing is the latest/final revision, if in doubt, ask. Any dimensions shown are subject to on-site confirmation and all measurements are to be checked on site prior to any construction or manufacture, commencing.
All dimensions are in millimetres unless stated otherwise. No dimensions to be scaled from the drawings. Specific details are subject to further design development. The drawing is copyright protected. Drawings can only be used with the permission of SMARTePLANS. Refer any discrepancy to SMARTePLANS immediately in writing. THE PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED FROM INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT & FROM ORDNANCE SURVEY PLANS & AS SUCH CANNOT BE RELIED UPON FOR ACCURACY OF SITE DIMENSIONS. The client is responsible for defining the correct boundaries & site ownership, including Party Walls, SMARTePLANS cannot be held responsible for subsequent Land, Party Wall disputes, or any material loss when obtaining information from this plan. It is the responsibility of the client to wait for planning & building regulations approval before commissioning any works, any works commenced on-site, without approval, shall be at the clients and or the contractor’s own risk and SMARTePLANS will not be held liable.
4. Planning Permission and Building Regulations Approval
4.1 The Company cannot guarantee that planning permission and/or Building Regulations approval will be granted because these decisions rest with the Local Planning Authority or Building Control. The Company will consider Local Authority guidelines so that the project has a good chance of success, however, sometimes exemptions to guidelines will have to be negotiated to achieve the design required for the project. Should the Client get a refusal or asked to withdraw the application, then a separate fee agreement and the new contract will be produced, the original contract will have ended, and the original file is automatically closed.
4.2 The Company will provide standard building regulation specification drawings, any additional service requirements such as specialist foundations, structures, ground testing, SAP testing, flood risk reports, bat surveys, specialist equipment, mechanical and electrical, commercial waste and drainage etc. are not included within our advertised Planning or Building Regulations Packages and the Company will not be held responsible to provide such services within the scope of its Drawing Packages. The client must wait for a decision, prior to the commencement of any works on site, failure to do so, is at the sole risk of the client and the Company will not be held responsible. Please note: Building regulations/building control drawings are solely produced for the purpose of obtaining building regulations/building control approval and are not construction drawings, build off drawings, shop fit out drawings or drawings for contractor purposes. 
5. Fees & Payment Terms
5.1 The Company’s fee is outlined in the Fee Proposal provided and is valid for 14 Days Only. Any services requested by the Client that is not listed on their original quotation, package information, or invoice will be charged additionally. Deviations from your original brief and quotation will be notified to you and if you would like us to include your changes, we will be invoiced separately, unless there is an outstanding payment, which we will, if acceptable to us add to your outstanding invoice.
5.2 The Company’s fee is calculated on reliance upon the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the Client. Should there be additional works not mentioned when asked to clarify, or withheld intentionally or not, or the client changes their mind at a later stage, the Company has the right to charge and a fee for the additional works will be provided.
5.3 The Company’s fee includes our expenses but excludes any disbursements; any disbursements made on the Clients behalf, such as payments to the local authority for planning submission or Building Regulations approval will be charged at net cost.
5.4 To commence with our services, the Company will raise you an invoice, where there are many payment options available, including buy now pay later (PayPal) subject to status.
5.5 An invoice will be produced for payments and settlement is required within 7 days, invoices not settled within 15 days of the date on that invoice will attract interest at the rate specified by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (interest Act 1998). It shall be added to any outstanding amount for the period from the day after the due date until the date of receipt (whether before or after judgment) together with any reasonable and proper amounts we incurred in seeking to recover such late payments (including legal fees, court fees, and admin fees).
5.6 Should our involvement with the project exceed 3 months from the deposit date and at our discretion, we will invoice for the works carried out up to that date and at the end of every month on a pro-rata basis.
5.7 Once the Company has prepared the proposed drawings for the Client, as instructed, the client has 7 days in which to request amendments and/or accept their drawings, so that the Company may submit to the Local Authorities on the Clients behalf and act as their Agent “Free Of Charge” Failure by the Client to respond in this timeframe, set out by the Company, will result in the Company closing their file and the Client losing the right to the Company acting on their behalf as their Agent “Free Of Charge” (All final documentation will be sent to the client for their own submissions). Once the planning and or building regulations drawings have been prepared or submitted to the Council, the Company has fulfilled and has discharged its obligations to the Client and will act, only in an "agent capacity" regarding the application process, directly with the planners and only relating to the specific application that the Company has submitted at the time. The Company will pass onto the Client any relevant information that the planners have requested, it is the Clients responsibility to provide any additional information to the Company, that the planners have requested. If we have submitted your application and you do not pay your online planning fees within 7 days as notified on your submissions email and we have to resubmit your application, we will charge you a £95 resubmission fee. If you opted for our 50% discounted building regulations package, then the T&Cs are; It has to be submitted in conjunction with your planning application and not after you have received your pre application advice or planning decision, if you require us to submit later then you will be invoiced and charged the appropriate FULL amount, for us to continue with your application. If you fail to pay your building control “plan inspection fees” and hold off or invalidate the process in any way, we will not act as your agent for a later/resurrected submission. We will only act as your agent for a full plan’s submission and not on a building notice as we do not offer project management, during your build. Our data is automatically removed after 3 months and therefore your file is automatically closed unless you have the written consent from SMARTePLANS to the contra. If you require additional services after this period, a new contract/fees/invoice and possibly survey will have to be raised. If you have failed to contact us within 3 month of us writing to you, your file will be archived. If you want to continue with services after this time, a fee of £195 will be applied, to cover administration costs.
5.8 All drawings are prepared and licensed for one single application only, a refusal or withdrawal on any consent will automatically close the current file and the contract are automatically  finalised and a new application will need to be sought if both parties agree and a new quote has been issued and paid in full.

5.9 Special Offers; Special offers are subject to the terms of their promotion or special offer as stated at the time of booking. If an offer is taken within a set period, as stated, then payment terms will vary. The discount will only be offered if a survey takes place within 7 days of confirming the offer, once the survey is complete, the remainder of the balance is then due and must be settled in full, within 10 days, following the receipt of the survey data. Failure to comply with the special/promotional offers terms and conditions will result in the discount being withdrawn and the client/customer, being requoted for the full amount. As special offers are only available during times that can be accommodated. If a special offer has been taken and a survey has commenced, the outstanding balance is then due. If a client does not fulfil their contractual agreement to pay the balance, then the special offer will be cancelled and a refund will not be given.
6. Termination
6.1 Notice of the right to cancel (consumer distance or off-premises contracts)
Under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 if you are a Consumer and have entered into a distance or off-premises contract with us (for example if you have not attended our offices in person, or were visited by one of our staff at your home or place of work or have instructed us over the telephone, by email or post) the following provisions will apply to our engagement: You have the right to cancel your engagement with us within fourteen days unless you have automatically waivered your rights by any of the following:
If you require us to undertake work within the cancellation period, then you can ask us to commence work in writing, by telephone, or by email and if you do so you will be responsible for paying for the services and goods provided even if you later decide to cancel the engagement before the cancellation period has expired. If we commence the work within the cancellation period, you will lose your right to cancel your engagement in relation to all works, and by instructing us to undertake the work, you acknowledge the waiver of this right.
6.2 If the Client requests to amend their survey booking, reschedule or cancel you must notify us in writing within 48 hours of the survey date and time, if you fail to notify us in writing, we reserve the right to charge a cancelation/rebooking fee, min £95 or, up to the total amount of the survey costs, depending on the prior notification given.

6.3 All quotations have been prepared from the clients brief, and are itemised and discounted as a package, therefore once you have instructed us and have paid for our services in part or in full, and work has commenced on the project, by way of a survey, or drawings, no partial refunds will be issued, in the event of termination, we will complete your package, as quoted and issue your drawings directly to you, for full and final fulfilment of our obligations to you.
7. Liability and Insurance
7.1 Neither, the Company nor any employees of the Company or agents of the Company shall be personally liable to the Client for any negligence, default, or any other liability whatsoever arising from the performance of the Services
8. Confidentiality
8.1 Neither Party will use, copy, alter, or part with possession of any information of the other which is disclosed or otherwise comes into its possession under or in relation to this Agreement and which is of a confidential nature. This obligation will not apply to information which the recipient can prove was in its possession at the date it was received or obtained or which the recipient obtains from some other person with good legal title to it or which is in or comes into the public domain otherwise than through the default or negligence of the recipient or which is independently developed by or for the recipient.
9.1. Clauses 9.2 to 9.7 shall apply where:
9.1.1. the Client has obtained architectural drawings or other works and materials that are or may be subject or potentially subject to copyright or other intellectual property rights from any Other Person (“Third Party Materials”); and
9.1.2. the Project requires the Company to: copy; issue copies to the public of; adapt for other purposes; or otherwise make use of,
(“Use”) the Third-Party Materials.
9.2. The Client hereby grants to the Company for the purposes included and outcomes sought to be achieved by the Project a non-exclusive, royalty-free, unencumbered licence or sub-licence (as the case may be) to Use the Third-Party Materials for the purposes of the Project (“Licensed Rights”).
9.3. The Client warrants that:
9.3.1. the Use by the Company of the Licensed Rights will not infringe the rights of any third person; and
9.3.2. it either: is the sole legal and beneficial owner of, and owns all right, title and interest in, the Third-Party Materials; or has the consent of the owner or rights holder of the Third-Party Materials or otherwise has the right to grant to the Company the licence contained in clause 9.2 and that such licence is not excluded or prohibited (expressly or impliedly) by any agreement (written or oral) between the Client and the applicable owner or rights holder of the Third Party Materials.
9.4. The Client shall indemnify the Company against for and against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages, fees, and losses (including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation, and all interest penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis), and all other professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by the Company arising out of or in connection with any breach of the warranties contained in clause 9.3.
9.5. The indemnity contained in clause 9.4 shall apply whether the Customer has been negligent or intentionally at fault.
9.6. At the request of the Company and at the Client’s own expense, the Client shall provide all reasonable assistance to enable the Company to resist any claim, action or proceedings brought against the Company because of any breach by the Client of the warranties contained in clause 9.3.
9.7. Nothing in this clause 9 shall restrict or limit the Company’s general obligation at law to mitigate a loss it may suffer or incur because of an event that may give rise to a claim under the indemnity contained in clause 9.4.
9.8. The copyright in all designs, drawings, DWGs, RVTs, reports, models, specifications, bills of quantities, calculations and any other documents prepared by the Company (“the Documents”) shall remain vested in the Company. As long as the Company has received the payment of all fees properly due and owing, the Company grants a licence to the Client to use the drawings in PDF format only, for the intended, commissioned purposes, set out in the engagement of the project (excluding any extension of the project) 1.e Planning Drawings for the sole use of obtaining Planning Permission and Building Regulations Drawings for the sole purpose of obtaining Building Regulations. If our drawings are or have been used for any other purpose than the one commissioned and paid in full for by the client, then the balance of the unsolicited amount may be sought and/or damages resorting from improper use of a purpose and infringement of copyright may be legally sought, termination of engagement will be absolute. All of our drawings are provided electronically in PDF format only. Any requests for hard copies will be charged @ £18 per A1 sheet plus recorded postage costs.
9.9. The Company shall not be liable for any use of the Documents for any purpose other than that for which they were prepared and provided by the Company.
9.10. The use of SMARTePLANS drawings and floor plans without the express permission of SMARTePLANS or without full payment, will result in a breach of copyright. A charge of £4500 can be charged for any breach of copyright, in addition to any administration and legal charges, as well as the original invoice fee.
10. Time Scales
10.1 Where under this Agreement an action is required within a specified period of dates from a specified date, that period commences immediately after that date. The period shall exclude Saturdays, Sunday and all Public Holidays. Once we have sent you, your drawings (Floor plans or Existing or Proposed), you have 7 days in which to notify the Company of any amendments, if you do not notify us in this timeframe, we will take it as there are no revisions and automatically move onto the next stage as outlined in your original quotation.
10.2 The Company can provide an estimation of the time to complete their Services before proceeding, but this is only an estimate given at the time it was asked and the Company will not be held responsible or liable for adhering to any specific time constraints imposed by the Client or third parties.
Should you wish to proceed, please email or write to us with your instruction, including the services you wish us to carry out and the billing name and address and service address if different. We require a non-refundable deposit to be paid before our services begin, which is outlined in this fee proposal, an invoice will be created for the deposit following receipt of you billing details.
Website Usage Terms and Conditions
Welcome to If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern smarteplans relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.
The term ‘smarteplans’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose office The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website.
The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:
The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.
Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements.
This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.
All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to the operator, are acknowledged on the website.
Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.
From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).
Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy sets out how smarteplans uses and protects any information that you give smarteplans when you use this website.
Smarteplans is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. Smarteplansuk may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.
What we collect: We may collect the following information:
name and job title
contact information including email address
demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers
What we do with the information we gather
We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
Internal record keeping.
We may use the information to improve our products and services.
We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. We may use the information to customise the website according to your interests.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added, and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.
We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.
Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
Controlling your personal information
You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:
Whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes
if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at
We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.
You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 2018. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to [address].
If you believe that any information, we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.
General Enquires should be sent to

Privacy Policy

Last updated: March 04, 2022

This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You.

We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

  • means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.

  • (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Smarteplans, 10-16 Tiller Road
    Canary Wharf London E14 8PX.

  • are small files that are placed on Your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing the details of Your browsing history on that website among its many uses.

  • refers to: United Kingdom

  • means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.

Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

  • refers to the Website.

Service Provider means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company, to perform services related to the Service or to assist the Company in analyzing how the Service is used.

Third-party Social Media Service refers to any website or any social network website through which a User can log in or create an account to use the Service.

Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).

  • refers to Smarteplans, accessible from

  • means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

Collecting and Using Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

Email address

First name and last name

Phone number

Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City

Usage Data

Usage Data

Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Service.

Usage Data may include information such as Your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device.

Information from Third-Party Social Media Services

The Company allows You to create an account and log in to use the Service through the following Third-party Social Media Services:

  • Google

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

If You decide to register through or otherwise grant us access to a Third-Party Social Media Service, We may collect Personal data that is already associated with Your Third-Party Social Media Service's account, such as Your name, Your email address, Your activities or Your contact list associated with that account.

You may also have the option of sharing additional information with the Company through Your Third-Party Social Media Service's account. If You choose to provide such information and Personal Data, during registration or otherwise, You are giving the Company permission to use, share, and store it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

We use Cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on Our Service and store certain information. Tracking technologies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyse Our Service. The technologies We use may include:

  • Cookies or Browser Cookies. A cookie is a small file placed on Your Device. You can instruct Your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is being sent. However, if You do not accept Cookies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Service. Unless you have adjusted Your browser setting so that it will refuse Cookies, our Service may use Cookies.

  • Flash Cookies. Certain features of our Service may use local stored objects (or Flash Cookies) to collect and store information about Your preferences or Your activity on our Service. Flash Cookies are not managed by the same browser settings as those used for Browser Cookies. For more information on how You can delete Flash Cookies, please read "Where can I change the settings for disabling, or deleting local shared objects?" available at

  • Web Beacons. Certain sections of our Service and our emails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that permit the Company, for example, to count users who have visited those pages or opened an email and for other related website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of a certain section and verifying system and server integrity).

Cookies can be "Persistent" or "Session" Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on Your personal computer or mobile device when You go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as You close Your web browser. Learn more about cookies: Use of Cookies by Free Privacy Policy.

We use both Session and Persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below:

Necessary / Essential Cookies

Type: Session Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: These Cookies are essential to provide You with services available through the Website and to enable You to use some of its features. They help to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts. Without these Cookies, the services that You have asked for cannot be provided, and We only use these Cookies to provide You with those services.

Cookies Policy / Notice Acceptance Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: These Cookies identify if users have accepted the use of cookies on the Website.

Functionality Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: These Cookies allow us to remember choices You make when You use the Website, such as remembering your login details or language preference. The purpose of these Cookies is to provide You with a more personal experience and to avoid You having to re-enter your preferences every time You use the Website.

For more information about the cookies we use and your choices regarding cookies, please visit our Cookies Policy or the Cookies section of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Your Personal Data

The Company may use Personal Data for the following purposes:

To provide and maintain our Service, including to monitor the usage of our Service.

To manage Your Account: to manage Your registration as a user of the Service. The Personal Data You provide can give You access to different functionalities of the Service that are available to You as a registered user.

For the performance of a contract: the development, compliance and undertaking of the purchase contract for the products, items or services You have purchased or of any other contract with Us through the Service.

To contact You: To contact You by email, telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, such as a mobile application's push notifications regarding updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products or contracted services, including the security updates, when necessary or reasonable for their implementation.

To provide You with news, special offers and general information about other goods, services and events which we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about unless You have opted not to receive such information.

To manage Your requests: To attend and manage Your requests to Us.

For business transfers: We may use Your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data held by Us about our Service users is among the assets transferred.

For other purposes: We may use Your information for other purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and to evaluate and improve our Service, products, services, marketing and your experience.

We may share Your personal information in the following situations:

  • With Service Providers: We may share Your personal information with Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service, to contact You.

  • For business transfers: We may share or transfer Your personal information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business to another company.

  • With Affiliates: We may share Your information with Our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy. Affiliates include Our parent company and any other subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that We control or that are under common control with Us.

  • With business partners: We may share Your information with Our business partners to offer You certain products, services or promotions.

  • With other users: when You share personal information or otherwise interact in the public areas with other users, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside. If You interact with other users or register through a Third-Party Social Media Service, Your contacts on the Third-Party Social Media Service may see Your name, profile, pictures and description of Your activity. Similarly, other users will be able to view descriptions of Your activity, communicate with You and view Your profile.

  • With Your consent: We may disclose Your personal information for any other purpose with Your consent.

Retention of Your Personal Data

The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

The Company will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your information, including Personal Data, is processed at the Company's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from Your jurisdiction.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your agreement to that transfer.

The Company will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

Business Transactions

If the Company is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, Your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.

Law enforcement

Under certain circumstances, the Company may be required to disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).

Other legal requirements

The Company may disclose Your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

  • Comply with a legal obligation

  • Protect and defend the rights or property of the Company

  • Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service

  • Protect the personal safety of Users of the Service or the public

  • Protect against legal liability

Security of Your Personal Data

The security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by Us. If You click on a third party link, You will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise You to review the Privacy Policy of every site You visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.

You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

Privacy Policy
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